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Usually, we divide ance into two categories: inflamed and non-inflamed.
The charcateristic of inflamed acne is red and inflammation. These with inflamed acne will have micro comedones, blackheads , milia, papules, pustules and possibly nodules.Symptoms also include redness, swelling and irritation of the skin.
Inflamed acne ranges in acuity from very mild to extremely severe. Some inflamed acne sufferers will experience only the occasional pustule while others will battle angry-looking cysts. Cystic acne is the most serious form of inflamed acne. Inflamed acne sufferers are most at risk for skin damage and scarring.

Apply ice topically to inflamed acne breakouts. Hold an ice cube against the pimple for a few minutes to numb the pain and reduce redness.
Wash your face with a cleanser that contains salicylic acid. This will unclog your pores and help clear up inflamed acne breakouts.
Apply a topical acne treatment to inflamed outbreaks. "Allure" magazine recommends using a cream that contains benzoyl peroxide, which kills acne-causing bacteria on your skin. You can purchase a spot acne treatment that contains 2.5 to 4 percent benzoyl peroxide at any drugstore. Be sure that your skin is dry before applying the treatment to prevent irritation.
Use cortisone cream to soothe and reduce redness caused by inflamed acne. You can use cortisone daily directly on your breakouts until the acne marks disappear completely.
Wear sunscreen when you go out. Protect your already inflamed skin by applying sunblock to your face every time you go outside. Sun exposure can cause acne marks to become darker and more noticeable.
Exfoliate weekly. Use an over-the-counter exfoliating system, which you can find at drugstores, to remove dead skin cells and prevent clogged pores, which lead to acne outbreaks.
Hide your breakouts with a concealer. "Glamour" magazine suggests using an oil-free concealer that is a bit paler than your skin tone. Using a concealer can make your inflamed acne outbreaks less noticeable.
See a dermatologist. Your doctor can give you a cortisone shot directly into your inflamed pimples that will help the breakouts shrink and become less irritated.